Management Consulting | Digital Experience & Strategy (UX | CX | X)

For 13 years in Management Consulting with focus on Digital & User Experience I am experienced, reliable and focused on outstanding results with high business impact and I really appreciate working with great clients.

For my clients, I integrate, depending on individual requirements, well-founded, multi-methodical, mostly (also) agile UX & User Research with UX Coaching, UX Strategy, UX Management and UX Evangelism. In this way, usability, user experience, design thinking, user-centered design, etc. are sustainably integrated and anchored in teams and the entire company, beyond individual products and services.

Hence the term "Digital Experience", in which I summarize all forms of experiences that users and customers have with companies in the digital age. From interaction with AI in chat bots and voice interfaces, to apps and websites, to hotlines and classic point of sale (POS): User Experience (UX), Customer Experience (CX) and Experience (X) in general. The strategic integration of these disciplines, teams, departments, processes and ways of thinking is a constant part of my work.

Industry Focus on IT / Tech, Internet, Telco, Software, eCommerce 

My work for large international as well as national customers from technology related industries is my passion and a positive motivation for every new day. It leads me to understand challenge as an opportunity and to constantly achieve new goals.

Clients and Projects

I am an expert in my field. For this I would like to thank especially all customers and project partners of the last 13 years.

My focus is on the one hand on working with international corporations and on the other hand as a co-founder of a Green IT Energy Software Start-Up, funded by EU's and BMWi's (German Ministry of Economics and Energy) EXIST Tech Founders Grant, also in the Start-up world.

Since NDAs (Non-Disclosure Agreements) are common in the work with international as well as national corporations, I am unfortunately not able to go into details. However, these are mostly world-famous household name companies from IT / Tech, Internet, Telco, eCommerce and Software from the San Francisco Bay Area, California, USA, Europe, UK and Germany.

A few examples: projects with Google, eBay, Vodafone, Deutsche Telekom, OTTO, otto group, GfK, COMATCH, Malt Strategy, for instance. Learn more in my comprehensive CV overview on LinkedIn for more details. 

Do you have any questions?
Let me advise you free of charge!

Overview of my services

Get a short high-level overview of my services. Classified in the 6 areas
UX Consulting | Research | Strategy | Coaching | Management | Evangelism.

An overview of my skills, certificates and memberships can be found here:

Contact me for a free consultation!

Write me an email: [email protected]

Or call me: +49 (0) 40 / 22 85 25 02

You can also contact me via my profiles on LinkedIn and XING.